What a Difference a Day Makes!

This weekend is very special! As a peace time veteran I did have often considered myself lucky not to have served in combat. My job description and duties as a crew chief in Ch-53’s would have put me in the line of fire. I often think of my military service with a humble heart and say to myself “there but for the grace of god go I” when pondering on those currently in harms way.

What a difference a day makes huh! How about June 6, 1944 D Day, November 22, 1963 the day President Kennedy was assassinated or September 11, 2001? What would our world look like if these dates were not so eventful . It was March 28th 1982, I was sitting in my bunk in the barracks a 18 year old kid, 6 months into a 4 year term with the US Navy. It hit me for the first time “Oh my I am I the military” I may be up soon, my turn in the tower. What a difference that day has had on my life, it was like a mental transition from boy to man. I can only image what it would have been like for that 18 year old guy to hit a beach under fire. Thanks Vets!

We have all won the lottery being born in this great country. Enjoy your celebration this weekend because someone is on a watch tower, we can have some BBQ and kick some dirt with the people we love. Ain’t it great to be American! Check out this short video….Thanks Veterans!!!!
