Index To Income Planning Content

Income planning is by far the most requested, the most misunderstood and the most intimidating area of financial planning for the vast majority of Americans. Please dive into the content here covering a myriad of income planning topics. Let these be the first steps to creating peace of mind over your income plan for the long-term.

Pension Maximization Strategy

PMS, a strategy that can be employed by a pre retiree when activating a employer defined benefit plan, more commonly known as a pension. The concept: there are multiple pay […]

Smorgasbord Investing (Town & Gown)

This weeks Weekly Clarity Coaching is also this months “Town & Gown coaching article that we create here at Financial Abundance. For those not local, T&G is a prestigious local magazine, a State College and Penn State tradition since 1966. This month article featured Deb Seward here in the office and she explains why most american’s end up with a lot of stuff in their portfolio. A short and informative read…

Retirement & Municipal Bonds

As you know, we are not big fans of Municipal Bonds. You will not find a single Municipal Bond among the 10,000 – 14,000 holdings in any of the Academically Managed accounts that many of you own through me. But often, retirees and those preparing for retirement are heavily invested in municipal bonds and bond funds. Unfortunately, in many cases, their advisors may not have disclosed to them the significant risks that such a strategy bears.

What Is Financial Planning?

This week, Paul Nichols, the president of Financial Abundance posts a video blog to answer the title of this video, “What is Financial Planning”. Financial Planning is not just about […]

Would You Take a Pay Cut?

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Would You Take a Pay Cut?

Why would you ever want to take a pay cut? Then why are some financial advisors asking their clients too? Paul Nichols talks about a recent article that says retirees only need 75% of their current income when they retire to maintain their standard of living. Listen in as the “Investor Coach” explains why your goal should be to retire on 100% of your current income and not take a pay cut!

Paul Nichols is the President of Financial Abundance, Inc., a registered investment advisor based in Central Pennsylvania with offices in State College and Lewisburg in Centre County.

Visit Financial Abundance’s website and send Paul Nichols a note about the show or a question that you would like to have answered under the “Ask the Coach” link.

Planning Process

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Planning Process

Paul and Deb sit down this weekend and talk about the planning process that our clients go through here at Financial Abundance, Inc. The main focus of the show is our holistic approach to financial planning and how we best serve our clients through education and not the sale of different financial products.

Paul is WJAC’s “Investor Coach” and is featured weekly on their nightly news. Visit our website and send Paul a note about the show or a question that you would like to have answered under the “Ask the Coach” link.

Thank you

Income Planning: Budget Challenge

Many of us think that we are good stewards of our money. We often think that each purchase is something we need, when in reality it is only something we want. When I was younger I thought I was a great steward of my money. At that time I was living hand to mouth, as most young people do when they are just getting started. It seemed I didn’t have enough money at the end of the month to save. Then I met a very successful gentleman who made a huge difference on my life. He suggested I do the following:

Retirement Income

For this post I’m using an article that I wrote for the Town & Gown’s Guide to Financial Services, regarding our income for life strategy. Enjoy!

Recent studies have shown that the traditional retirement strategies of pulling a percentage off a brokerage account may be flawed. According to one study, stock and bond only strategies preserved the original value in just 45% of the cases, while “Income for Life” strategies preserved the original value in 93% of the cases. Paul Nichols, the president of Financial Abundance a registered investment advisor and estate planning firm in State College, compares traditional retirement strategies to the “Income for Life” strategy.

Retirement: Retirement Planning Today

Coming up in October I will once again be teaching one of my Retirement Planning Today® courses sponsored by South Hills School of Business & Technology. These courses are taught at over 200 colleges and universities throughout the country. I am teaching two sessions, one on Thursdays October 1 and 8 and the other on Tuesdays October 6 and 13. Each session runs from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm and included in the $49 tuition is a 230 page work book.

Why Financial Education is Important

As an investor coach, I feel education and proper planning are vital components to a happy retirement. Due to recent tax law changes, an uncertain future for Social Security and the shift toward employee-directed retirement plans, the need for sound financial strategies has never been greater. In straightforward

Tax Planning: Misguided Wisdom

Don’t Limit 401K Deductions to the Amount Matched…I found the following sage advice in a local newspaper: Even though the company matches only part of the 401k contribution, it is to your benefit to put the most away in your 401k plan as you can, since 401k plans are an excellent way to save for retirement. The author of the article went on to profess that often many investors contribute only up to the company match within their 401k plan, and do not take advantage of their 401k plan if the company does not match, and he states that this is a mistake. He finalizes this train of thought by stating that with a 401k plan, an investor receives a double tax benefit.

Guaranteed Income for Life

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Guaranteed Income for Life

An interview with Kevin Nuber shows how you can take your savings and ensure you have enough income throughout your entire retirement.

Millionaire by 30

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Millionaire by 30

Paul Interviewes best selling author Emron Andrew. They discuss practices found in his book “Millionaire by 30.” Don’t let the name fool you. Everyone can use this information.

The Investors’ Dilemma: Understand the Psych

Have you ever worried about getting high enough returns on investments? Maintaining your standard of living at retirement? Affording high quality education for your children? Have you ever worried about the next market crash, missing out on the latest, greatest stock tip? Making sense of the all the information available or someone else having a better portfolio than you? Have you ever worried about not having enough money to care for loved one, getting bad advice and, worse yet, paying for it? Have you ever bought an investment when it was doing really well, when it was high, and later sold it because of bad performance at a low price? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place.

Portfolio Management: Should You Switch to Cash?

From the desk of Paul Nichols: President of Financial Abundance Inc.

I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind, especially with the roller coaster stock market we are currently experiencing. “Why not just put all of my investments in cash, just until the market stabilizes?” Many investors are acting on that thought. Through the first six days of October, $19 billion was pulled out of mutual funds that invest in United States stocks. That’s equal to the ENTIRE MONTH of September 2008 according to TrimTabs Investment Research.

Financial Planner: Initial Consultation

How we can help you:

If you’ve been concerned about your investments, it may be time to meet with us at Financial Abundance. Unlike other advisors, we are not affiliated with any firms that are paid through commissions or product sales.