Index To Income Planning Content

Income planning is by far the most requested, the most misunderstood and the most intimidating area of financial planning for the vast majority of Americans. Please dive into the content here covering a myriad of income planning topics. Let these be the first steps to creating peace of mind over your income plan for the long-term.

Income Planning Using Dividends

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Income Planning Using Dividends

This week, Paul Nichols, the president of Financial Abundance, a registered investment advisory firm, and host of It’s Your Money, once again provides a market update of how we’re doing […]

What’s a Good Withdrawal Rate for Income Planning?

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
What's a Good Withdrawal Rate for Income Planning?

This week from State College, Pennsylvania, the investor coach, Paul Nichols, once again provides a market update. Paul also shares some recent articles that relate to retirement planning, financial investments, […]

Don’t You Bet Your Life On It!

This is a famous line, used many times, by the western actor John Wayne. When you think about it, every day we bet our life on decisions we make, from […]

Congressional Budget Office’s Forcast and How It Relates to Your Income Plan

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Congressional Budget Office's Forcast and How It Relates to Your Income Plan

This week on “It’s Your Money”, Paul Nichols, the investor coach and president of Financial Abundance a Registered Investment Advisory firm, located in State College, Pennsylvania, is back in the […]

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Does it make sense to rely on CD’s for your retirement? Looking at inflation and monetary policy of the past, it’s not a good idea! But yet I see this […]

What Would Grandpa Say?

Many of you may already know we are not fans of municipal bonds. In fact, we do not hold any municipal bonds in any of our investment portfolios because we think they are too risky. I bet that surprises a lot of people, especially retirees. My astute, well read, late grandfather would be shocked to hear this, having retired from Ma Bell after 42 years, an old school, buy American, blue chip investor. That’s because many advisors routinely recommend that retirees buy and live off of the income generated by supposedly safe individual municipal bonds.

Should I stay or should I go???

General Motors retirees, they will have until July 20, 2012, to make the big decision!

That’s the deadline, just a little over five weeks away, when more than 40,000 General Motors supervisory and white-collar retirees will be forced to make what could be the most important financial decision of their lives. Should they accept GM’s offer of a lump-sum “buy-out” of their monthly pension checks and thus possibly receive the biggest check they’ll ever get? Or should they continue to receive a monthly pension check when GM transfers their retirement plan to a private group annuity from Prudential?

Not Age

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Not Age

This week the investor coach, Paul Nichols, once again pulls back the curtain from his opulent State College studio to expose the truth about retirement planning, investments, estate planning, income planning, and things financially. He really focuses on, it’s about lifestyle and not about age, when it comes to picking a portfolio objective.

Bonds: Strategies or Schemes

According to Fortune Magazine, Warren Buffett, the Oracle from Omaha, will soon release his annual shareholder letter pointing out that “money-market funds, bonds, mortgages, bank deposits…are thought of as ‘safe.’ In truth they are among the most dangerous of assets…their risk is huge.”

Further in the letter, Mr. Buffet writes that “Right now bonds should come with a warning label.” Why is Mr. Buffett so concerned about these types of investments, many of which are embraced by retirees in their search for a safe haven for their IRAs and 401(k)s?

What’s Your Number?

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
What's Your Number?

This week the Investor Coach, Paul Nichols, pulls back the curtain once again and continues his investor education series, as it relates to retirement and estate planning. This week we’re talking about what’s your number and trying to get a better understanding of what type of yield you need to get on your portfolio in order to not run out of money by time you turn 100. Once again from the opulent downtown State College studios, Financial Abundance hits another one out of the park. Pay for coaching not for products.

Never a Mystery

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Never a Mystery

Thou shall not fake thyself out, the 11th commandment, is what the investor coach, Paul Nichols, talks about this week. On the podcast from his downtown studios in State College, Pennsylvania, he once again pulls back the curtain on financial matters like retirement planning, life-insurance, investing, and estate planning. Ladies and gentlemen you don’t need to know everything if you have the coach teaching you the right things.

Financial Abundance, Inc., is a Registered Investment Advisor based in Central Pennsylvania with offices in State College and Lewisburg in Centre County.

Visit Financial Abundance’s website and send Paul a note about the show or a question that you would like to have answered under the “Ask the Coach” link.

Needs vs. Wants

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
Needs vs. Wants

This week Paul Nichols, the president of Financial Abundance, and Deb Seaward pull back the curtain on the investment industry and talk about your needs versus wants. Is retirement an age level or a income level? Have you ever calculated your endgame? What income do you need to retire on versus the income you want to retire on? The “Investor Coach” hits another home run this week!

Financial Abundance, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor based in Central Pennsylvania with offices in State College and Lewisburg in Centre County.

Visit Financial Abundance’s website and send Paul a note about the show or a question that you would like to have answered under the “Ask the Coach” link. or 866-867-5745

30 Day Challenge

It's Your Money
It's Your Money
30 Day Challenge

This week Paul Nichols, the president of Financial Abundance, and Deb Seaward challenge you to the “30 Day Challenge” to help you to track your expenses. The “Investor Coach” hits another home run this week!

Financial Abundance, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor based in Central Pennsylvania with offices in State College and Lewisburg in Centre County.

Visit Financial Abundance’s website and send Paul a note about the show or a question that you would like to have answered under the “Ask the Coach” link. or 866-867-5745

Income For Life Retirement Planning

Income planning is the area that is most requested by individuals that are seeking financial planning help today. As a financial professional I’ve observed this area has the least amount […]

30 Day Challenge for Wealth Management

In my life I’ve been very fortunate to have had several mentors! The one that had the most impact was tough but gentle, an extremely successful businessman. On one occasion […]