You will find a list of videos here referred to as “Common Sense” videos. These stemmed from the idea that many financial “rules of thumb” upon more than a cursory inspection, do not seem to be best for most Americans investors. Our intention, create a paradigm shift perhaps, an “Aha” moment for folks. Why is peace of mind so elusive? I think the videos will give you a glimpse of the way the financial services industry operates, as well, how to equip yourself for the financial long-haul. Enjoy!

Preparing For Peace of Mind

As Investment Advisors we experience firsthand the roller coaster that many individuals go on emotionally when they start to think about the monumental task of retirement planning. Most issues in […]

20 Investment Questions

What if everything you thought you knew about retirement planning and investing turned out to be incorrect, when would you want to know? Once you did know would you do […]

The Investor’s Dilemma

Investments, income planning, portfolio construction, and tax planning are just a few topics that throw many people into the investor dilemma mindset. We are all emotional individuals; we want to […]

Are You Diversified?

When it comes to portfolio construction, as well as portfolio allocation, one of the biggest areas that investors do not understand is the concept of dissimilar price movement. A simple […]

Coin Flipping

There’s a saying I’ve heard through the years, “Nobody loses in Vegas “. This makes me think of a relatively new area of financial study amongst many of the top […]


You don’t know what you don’t know! Simple, but profound. As an investor you may fall victim to the lies of the financial industry, including large investment institutions and the […]

The Portfolio MRI

Is the goal of investing to get a yield/return? Specifically isn’t the goal of investing in the stock market to achieve a market rate of a return? The resounding answer is yes! […]