Clarity Coaching Tips

Here you will find many tidbits of coaching and financial information that often needs to be clarified for most American investors. Some of the information is very basic and in the form of a current market update. Some of the information is timely topics, based on current social political and economic climate. Some of these are strategies, ideas, and concepts that we have picked up through the years and implemented in our practice. Basically a soup to nuts area of information on all things financial.


Check out our Clarity Coaching Video Clips and the “It’s Your Money” podcasts for more tidbits that might pique your interest.

Stock Pickers Market?

Just getting back from the Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) conference in Austin. Other than 104 degree temperatures, it was a great conference.

Anyways, I got to meet and talk to Eugene Fama and Kenneth French. They will probably win a Nobel Prize at some point for their ground breaking research on which our portfolios are based. They are some big brains!

I’d like to share with you a little of what French had to say. I love the consistency of his message. He doesn’t change with the wind. Based on his extensive research, he knows what works and he sticks with it through all market cycles. He only has ONE message.

Women More Likely to Consult a Professional Advisor

Women More Likely To Consult A Professional Advisor

Women investors are more likely to consult a professional financial advisor than men, according to a new study of wealthy women investors released by the Spectrem Group on Tuesday.
According to the Lake Forest, Ill.-based consulting firm, around 46 percent of those with a net worth of between $100,000 and $1 million rely primarily on a financial advisor for their information. Women’s use of financial advice increases with wealth levels, according to the survey. Roughly 64 percent of female millionaire investors and 82 percent of female ultra-high-net-worth investors — with assets of $5 million and up — seek financial information from a professional advisor.

Smorgasbord Investing (Town & Gown)

This weeks Weekly Clarity Coaching is also this months “Town & Gown coaching article that we create here at Financial Abundance. For those not local, T&G is a prestigious local magazine, a State College and Penn State tradition since 1966. This month article featured Deb Seward here in the office and she explains why most american’s end up with a lot of stuff in their portfolio. A short and informative read…

What a Difference a Day Makes!

This weekend is very special! As a peace time veteran I did have often considered myself lucky not to have served in combat. My job description and duties as a crew chief in Ch-53’s would have put me in the line of fire. I often think of my military service with a humble heart and say to myself “there but for the grace of god go I” when pondering on those currently in harms way.

Women & Investing Weekly Clarity Coaching

This weeks Weekly Clarity Coaching is coming from Deb Seaward here in our office. She has been working hard to add some coaching for women to our office, here is a taste of more to come.

Men no need to watch this one…..not!!!! Guys the ladies in our lives are far too important, lets all get coached up!

Investing with Looming Deficit

This week’s weekly clarity coaching is a video from Fox Business News discussing “How the Government Deficits Impacts How You Invest”. Mark Matson does a great job keeping the hype in check and once again providing a rational and prudent approach to the TRADITIONAL mantra “chase the market”.

Have you ever wondered why most of the financial information on the air waves is centered on short term news bites attempting justification for proactively managing our wealth?? Changing ones investment to correspond with the current economic environment?

The Taxman Cometh

This week’s weekly clarity coaching is a video I recently ran across of one of my favorite economists, Milton Friedman. It’s a 30-year-old interview. The interview is from March 21, 1982. I found this nostalgic and interesting because it’s the old panel format.

Target Funds & 401(k) Plans

A number of years ago, employers began to include Target Date Funds as choices in their 401(k) plans.

The idea behind these investments, sometimes called “Lifecycle Funds,” is to help you to easily allocate your retirement plan contributions. Essentially, you would select a Target Date Fund that was “dated” close to the year you planned to retire, and, often, not include any of the other investment choices available in your company’s plan. For example, if you want to retire in 2015, you might select “Target Date Fund – 2015.” If you thought you would begin to enjoy your Golden Years in 2020, then you might choose “Target Date Fund – 2020.

Government Shutdown Market Impact

A recent Friday, late in the evening, Congress and the White House came to an agreement that averted a partial government shutdown – for now. Over the course of last week, several advisors asked for my take on what would happen to the stock markets if the government had closed down, even temporarily. Some of these advisors following the active approach to investment management, wondered if they should “sell,” or if should they “buy.” Would the markets go up? Or would they go down? How should they react?

My advice was that if client portfolios were properly designed from the beginning, there would be no need to make any changes to existing portfolios.


What else comes to mind when you think of April? Taxes…Taxes…Taxes! I’ve attached a video that may hit close to home for some of you having just recently gathered up and prepared your own taxes. If you found your self saying, “I need to do something about these taxes”, this is a good place to start. Doug is a friend of mine and has been a financial planner for over 30 years and we’ve incorporated some of his Missed Fortune strategies in our own planning as well as in plans for qualified clients. Please stop by the office to discuss some Missed Fortune concepts if you feel proactive tax planning may benefit your situation.

Portfolio Construction: The Mideast Wants Free Markets

A client called and asked somewhat nervously if, with all the turmoil going on in Northern Africa, were we invested in Egypt and Libya? The implication was that if we were invested in one of these two countries, should we sell? Or, if we were not invested in one of these countries, should we buy?

401(k) Accounts & the DOL

Last weekend’s Wall Street Journal had a front page article called Retiring Boomers Find 401(k) Plans Fall Short. The article begins by noting that “The 401(k) generation is beginning to retire, and it isn’t a pretty sight. The retirement savings plans that many baby boomers thought would see them through old age are falling short in many cases.”

This article peaked my interest since 401(k)’s are the retirement saving vehicles of our time. The old traditional defined benefit plans that promised a certain benefit every month after retirement until death are dinosaurs. The burden has shifted to employees to fund their own retirement through these and similar plans.

Investment Answers with Gordon Murray

“Well, I’ve never heard of that.” I’ve heard this statement through the years and have always thought it to be a mix of arrogance and ignorance. “Well…what else, my friend, in this massive universe have you not heard of?” It’s interesting how many times the late Mr. Murray must have heard this question from interviewers about his best selling book in the month before passing away.

Leading Economic Indicator

January was a great month for the stock market! The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 2.7% and the S&P 500 Index was up 2.4%. It was the best January for the markets in 14 years.

Wow! Does that mean we’re going to have a Great Year? The “January Barometer” says so. But is this widely followed stock market indicator just another myth? The “January Barometer” works this way: If January is an “UP” month, it could mean a good year for the stock market. But if January is a “DOWN” month, well, that means that it would probably be a pretty dismal year for investors.

It would be nice if it worked, but unfortunately, the theory just does not hold up to scientific scrutiny.

Retirement & Municipal Bonds

As you know, we are not big fans of Municipal Bonds. You will not find a single Municipal Bond among the 10,000 – 14,000 holdings in any of the Academically Managed accounts that many of you own through me. But often, retirees and those preparing for retirement are heavily invested in municipal bonds and bond funds. Unfortunately, in many cases, their advisors may not have disclosed to them the significant risks that such a strategy bears.