Clarity Coaching Tips

Here you will find many tidbits of coaching and financial information that often needs to be clarified for most American investors. Some of the information is very basic and in the form of a current market update. Some of the information is timely topics, based on current social political and economic climate. Some of these are strategies, ideas, and concepts that we have picked up through the years and implemented in our practice. Basically a soup to nuts area of information on all things financial.


Check out our Clarity Coaching Video Clips and the “It’s Your Money” podcasts for more tidbits that might pique your interest.

A Broken Record

The more I study my industry, the more I’m noticing that the news of pessimism, fear, and greed, are always in cycle and at play. The more I identify these […]

Do Not Give Up

For those of you that know me, you know that I am an eternal proactive optimist, balanced with a dose of realism, and a sprinkle of discernment. I have always […]

College Potential Not Promise

I was reading an article recently talking about reinventing college planning. This newly compiled data offers some interesting talking points or conversational topics. It’s estimated that by 2020, 65% of […]

Income – Reverse Engineerin​g

A recent article talked about how a multiplier of eight times your income is the approximate size of the nest egg one would need in order to retire comfortably. In […]

Preparing For Peace of Mind

As Investment Advisors we experience firsthand the roller coaster that many individuals go on emotionally when they start to think about the monumental task of retirement planning. Most issues in […]

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Lewisburg, PA – The goal of investing is to get an overall market return. The stock market consists of large cap, small cap, micro cap; value and growth; developed international […]

Wealth Management: It’s a Wonderful Life

This classic gem directed by Frank Capra is one of my favorite movies and a sure watch every holiday season. It’s a story of an angel working to get his […]

Interest Rates & the Price of Tea in China

Altoona, PA – The price of tea in China has been rising dramatically due to supply and demand. Some of the higher end teas are actually being hoarded after the […]

LTC Plan Design: Half a Loaf is Better Than None

State College, PA – Many years ago one of my mentors was famous for saying, “Half a loaf is better than none”. Maybe you’ve heard this old saying. It implies […]

Long-Term Care Planning: Logic or Emotional Paradigm?

Lewisburg, PA – When we get right down to the nitty-gritty of planning for this particular issue we consistently find it is the toughest question to answer, should one have […]

What’s Up Kemosabe?

Lewisburg, PA – Tonto: “The market is up and I am not. What’s the story Kemosabe?” Kemosabe: “What do you mean the market is up?” Tonto: “According to the telegraph […]

Buckle Up, It’s Getting Turbulent!

State College, PA – I learned aviation slang for turbulence is called dirty air. What has been going on in the market is like dirty air? Recently we have seen […]

Evolution of Passive Index Investing!

Lewisburg, PA – Recently I was reading an article from John Bogle founder of Vanguard. John is well known in financial circles as one of the champions of passive investing […]

What is the “New View” of Retirement?

State College, PA – Many of us today get all caught up in everyday living that we don’t put much priority on looking ahead into our “Golden Years” of retirement. […]

Investment Cost: Advisor Beware or Investor Beware

State College, PA – “How are you paid” is a common refrain heard by those working in the financial industry. One would think this is a very black and white, […]